Monday, December 2, 2013


In the words of John Adams, America was to be “a nation of laws, not of men.” Barack Obama and his minions have destroyed that ideal. In his efforts to “change” this country he has adopted the concept that his progressive ends justifies his lawless means. In so doing, he, along with his contemptible Attorney General, have demonstrated their disdain for the rule of law and our concept of the separation of powers. It is clear they have a deep-rooted animus toward the very framework of our constitutional republic.

Liberals don't seem to have much of a problem with Obama ruling by executive decree but I wonder what they would say if things were reversed. Suppose, just for fun, that in a shocking and unforeseen moment of clarity, the American people suddenly understood the need for reason, integrity, competence and a love of freedom in their leaders and they elected me president of the United States. Awesome! If the American people had the good sense to elect me then this fantasy assumes they also voted for substantial Republican majorities in both the House and Senate. Now, for an indeterminate time, I will govern by the new paradigm as established by Obama.

First, I would encourage the Republican leadership in the House to form a new alliance. Let's call it the Nancy Pelosi Caucus. Their job would be to don hideous masks and pass legislation in support of my agenda. Debate would be rendered superfluous. When the Democrats and media types start whining, the leader of the Nancy Pelosi Caucus can tell them, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.” The first thing on their agenda would be the repeal of the Affordable Care Act- (I've noticed the liberals have stopped calling it Obamacare). The second thing I would like them to do is pass the Affordable Bible Act. As I am governing by the Obama paradigm, I am not terribly concerned with constitutional constraints, but that's not even an issue with the ABA. Now that the Supreme Court, under the leadership of Chief Justice John “WTF” Roberts, has ruled that it is quite acceptable for the federal government to compel Americans to buy a product, the ABA would surely pass constitutional muster. Yes, it is our birthright, as Americans, to have affordable access to bibles. And by affordable access, of course, I mean that all Americans are compelled to purchase a bible. I'm sure the Democrats will be apocalyptic over this law but I will demonstrate my willingness to compromise and “reach across the aisle” by granting waivers to select groups. In fact, I will grant waivers to any religion that doesn't think it's okay to strap explosives to their chest and blow themselves up in a crowd of innocent people or condones the beheading of anyone that disagrees with them.

Over in the Senate, a once august assembly referred to as the greatest deliberative body in the world, they will now be operating under Reid's Rules of Order. Reasoned debate and measured deliberations? I don't think so. The Republicans will broaden Reid's Rules to cover all Senate business. Why even waste time talking. Just vote. Fifty-one votes wins! Hey, libtards, you lose again, you bunch of losers!

Now that things will be moving expeditiously in the legislative branch, I can get on with the business of wielding executive power. Remember now, under the Obama Doctrine, the chief executive is still called the president but he now has the power of a king or dictator. The president can change codified law at his pleasure. Under the Obama regime, when he did this, his administration and media types simply called it “tweaking” the law. No worries, it's just a little “tweak.” Well girl, I'm just a tweakster for your love! I will be tweaking away on the thin ice of a new day! The possibilities for good here are endless but let me mention a few of my priorities. I would “tweak” the tax code by establishing a ten percent flat tax. This should allow us to get rid of 90 percent of the IRS leviathan. Most of the remaining staff could be organized into a new department. Let's call it the Department of Jack-Booted Thugs. Their job would be to levy and collect confiscatory taxes on any individuals, institutions or businesses that have anything to do with windmills, solar panels or electric cars. We've been subsidizing this garbage for years. Time to re-coup our losses. They would also engage in “heightened scrutiny” of community organizers, race pimps and anyone having anything to do with George Soros. Perhaps this will strain credulity, but the Department of Jack-Booted Thugs will be run by three low-level staffers out of the Omaha office with no connection to or knowledge of by anyone above middle management.

A top priority of mine will be to tweak abortion law. I would make all abortions illegal after the first day of pregnancy. Coupled with a newly instituted three day waiting period, I'm sure many libtards will cry foul. Well let me just say, and I want to be very clear with this, If you like your abortionist, you can keep your abortionist, period!

America, when led by someone who loves freedom and recognizes the sovereignty of the individual, can once again save the world.